Tesi di laurea

Supervisor:  Prof. C. Toraldo di Francia, Co-supervisor: Prof. G. Leoni

Between the historical center and the first expansion of the city of Teramo there is an interstitial strip that runs along the Vezzola River.

Between natural and artificial

Here the boundary between natural and artificial is very marked, both for the thickening of the spontaneous vegetation next to the stream, and for the presence of some urban macroelements placed next to this green band.

Layer overlapping

The proposal is the overlapping of three main layers: 1 breakdown of the ground in square elements that take form from the urban grid of the urban center of the city (40x40m) and reproduce the typical vegetation of the agricultural of the Abruzzo landscape; 2 creation of a longitudinal path; 3 creation of six pedestrian bridges that cross the river, connect the two sides of the city and the river-park and have some of the functions in which the city is lacking.

gardens layer

New possibilities for pedestrian and bicycle movement

In this area pedestrians no longer have the “isotropic permeability” or the ability to freely move in any direction as they have inside the regular grid of the urban fabric. Therefore the proposal plans to establish new possibilities for pedestrian and bicycle movement, in the longitudinal direction (parallel to the river), in the crossway direction (crossing the river) and vertical direction (from the upper level of the city to the lower river-park level).

possibilities for pedestrian and bicycle movement

Layer 3: Bridges

One of these bridges leans on the existing vehicular San Francesco bridge, as a contemporary reminder of Florence’s Ponte Vecchio.

Bridge 2
Bridge 3

Different ways to use the park

The functions are organized in a thematic manner and have to do with different fields (administrative, entertainment, educational and commercial). The park can be used in many different ways. It can be the ”means” to cross the city in a easier way, by foot or by bike, but it can also be the  “destination” to reach.

Bridge 4